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Easy to read version of my website

Klicken Sie hier und Sie kommen zur deutschen Seite für Leichte Sprache.

Welcome to my website

My name is Benjamin Y. Koch. Benjamin Y. Koch portrait picture
Here you can read the following:
  • What I do now.
  • What I would like to do in the future.
  • Explanation of the website.

What do I do now?

I study economics. So I am getting to know the subject of economics. Economics describes the production and purchase of things.
I also work as a research assistant. An assistant reads a lot. This means that others have to work less. Research recognizes relationships in the world. This enables us to understand the world better and better.

What do I want to do in the future?

I want to become a researcher and professor. So I want to work in research and teach young people. To do this, I have to write a doctoral thesis. A doctoral thesis examines several topics. It takes several years to write a doctoral thesis. For this reason I read and write a lot.
The topic of my doctoral thesis will be development economics. Development economics means development differences. I want to know:
  • How are poverty and conflict connected?
  • How can poor people in Africa and Latin America be better off?
Africa and Latin America are large regions of the world.

Explanation of the website

My website is often in English or Spanish. These are different languages. The words and letters are different from those in the English language.
In the top left corner, it says BK in large letters. Click on them and you will be taken to the home page.
In the top right corner, there are two bars. Click on them and a menu with different sections will open. The bars become an X. Click on it and the menu closes.
Under Interests it says:
  • What I find exciting.
  • What I would like to research.
Under About me it says:
  • Where I have worked so far.
  • Where and what I have studied so far.
Under Memberships it says:
  • Of which groups I am a member
  • In which groups I am actively participating.
Under In public it says:
  • Which of my books and works have been checked by other people and made available to everyone.
  • Which presentations I have given.
Under Honors it says:
  • Which grants and prizes I have received.
In the bottom right corner, there are references to the:
  • Legal notice
  • Privacy notice
  • Cookie settings
These are legal documents. For example, you learn about:
  • Who is responsible for this website.
  • Which information I process during your visit of this website.
  • Which settings you can adjust.
There are many symbols above the menu. These symbols mean different things.
Click on EN ES to show the page in English or Spanish.
Click on the circle to increase the contrast of the website. Contrast is light or dark.
Click on the book to show the easy to read version of my website.