Cookie settings

Please note: to ensure this website's functionality and to improve your experience, I use cookies to manage my users' preferences. Some of these cookies are optional and are only used if you have consented to them. This may result in data being stored/retrieved on your device. You can consent to all optional cookies at once or set your own preferences. Subsequent withdrawal of consent is possible via this site. See Section E of this website's privacy notice for more details. Cookie settings are also available in German (Cookie-Einstellungen).

A.Necessary cookies

These cookies are always active and ensure basic functionality.


An interactive map from Mapbox is integrated. Your consent enables the display of this Mapbox map. Personal data such as your IP address will be transmitted to Mapbox's external servers. You can find out how Mapbox handles your data on their website. I do not personalize your data. I do not place advertisements on my website, but third-party providers may set cookies or local storage items. Data processing by third parties may take place in third countries without a comparable level of data protection (point (a) of Art. 49(1) GDPR).